Product Overview

  • MOD Series Modular Connectors

    ■ Specifications

    Mounting Method


    Current Rating


    Insulation resistance

    1,000MΩ at500V D.C.

    Dielectric Withstanding Voltage

    500V A.C.(r.m.s.) for a minute

    Contact Resistance

    With metal shell type:20mΩ以下
    Anti-static type:100mΩ以下

    Operating Temparature




■ Overview

HTK offers a wide range of modular connectors with features such as DIP/SMT, screw lock, and electrostatic discharge capability.

The electrostatic discharge type discharges static electricity with an insulator between the shield and contacts.

The retainer is compatible with through hole reflow soldering, meaning that it can be mounted simultaneously with other SMT parts.

This makes it a useful product for improving mounting efficiency.

Variation Introduction

  • 1. Anti-static modular connectors

    This type has a construction which employs an insulator

    between the shield and contacts to further eliminate static electricity

    to the ground through the shield.
    This construction protects devices from up to 10 kV of static electricity (electromagnetic noise).

  • 2. Slim type modular connectors

    This slim type modular connectors is only marginally wider than,

    and is 12 mm shorter in the depth dimension than HTK’s previous product.

    This has allowed an approximately 55% reduction in size relative to the board installation area.
    Significantly reducing the mounting space (slimming down part) allows boards

    to be designed with a high degree of freedom.

  • 3. Modular connectors with screw lock

    This product employs a unique screw lock mechanism to prevent standard cables coming off when lock claws break.


The product information in this data is for reference only.
This is subject to change without notice.
Contact our sales staff for further information before considering or ordering any of our products.
Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.

